How To Choose A Fresh And Captivating Dissertation Title

A title is just a few words appearing at the dissertation title page. However, it holds a lot of meaning and determines the ease or difficulty with which you will complete the paper. It is the title that informs readers what to expect from your paper. Everything else you do regarding the paper will be determined by the title chosen. What then should you consider when choosing a title for your paper?

Fresh Title

The title for dissertation determines whether people will look at your paper or not. Readers are searching for fresh information. This information can only be found when you choose a title or area of study that is new. Avoid the old sections that have received too much attention that they are no longer appealing. Some of the fresh topics to consider include

  • International politics and its effect on trade
  • The place of free press in the wake of Khashoggi’s killing
  • If French on the verge of another revolution?
  • Resource utilization and continued war in Africa
  • Is it time Roman Catholic priests were allowed to marry

Fresh ideas are interesting and will capture the attention of any reader.


Choose a topic that is relevant to your discipline and level of study. Relevance means that it meets industry expectations. It should be picked from topics that in your discipline of study. Further, the strength or veracity of the title should signal that you are studying at PhD level. Some of the dissertation title examples to consider include

  • Global warming and industrialization
  • Is GDP a deceptive measure for prosperity of a nation?
  • All football players in a team should be paid the same amount
  • Social media is bringing people who are far away nearer and taking away those who are nearby
  • Sports clubs should return ownership to the community


Many people will pick your paper but only a few will read it beyond the cover page. While you are writing an academic paper, it is important that you choose a title that is interesting. If you are stuck on choosing a title, you can try the dissertation title generator. It gives you options at a single click.


One of the factors to consider when choosing a dissertation title is its strength. At PhD level, you should pick titles that are researchable. Check recommendations made by other scholars on areas where information could not be found. Such recommendations will make it easier to get ideas for your paper. Even though you may be studying the same subject of discipline in school, for example, with a high school student, there should be at distinct difference in the levels of study.


Choose a topic that is specific. Dissertation chapter titles inform the reader what to expect in a paper. For instance, it if is on history, set a range of dates such that the reader knows whether to check for information on particular periods on your paper or elsewhere.

If generating a title for your paper is providing difficult, use title for dissertation examples to give you an idea. Do not copy the examples given but use them for guidance. Be creative in order to produce a captivating title.

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